:: contents ::
leaf novels
cobalt series
ruby bunko
laqia novels
daria novels
genki novels
kaze novels
:: novels ::
it's been really hard for me trying to have a complete catalogue of all minami haruka's works as novels illustrator, since she went
out on a lot of publishing house and worked with various writers; so i really don't know if this could be regarded as a complete list, anyway these are
the novels i managed to have until the end of 2001! ^_^
unfortunately i can't read japanese so i'm sorry but i don't know nearly anything about the plots ç__ç *sigh* as usual if someone has got or knows something
i don't, please e-mail me!!
for example i'm looking for a novel i wasn't able to find anywhere in japan è__é the title is scandalous na tenshi domo, written by akira satoh
and published in 1998 by izumi-sha. if anyone could help me i'd be very grateful *^^* thanx!
to see more details and more scans of the novels, please use the links in the left menu.
:: images © :: haruka minami ::