:: ruby bunko ::
:: ikenai sei to kai shi ::
the first four novels you see here are all part of a series written by hitomi imura and illustrated by our beloved minami-sensei, the charas are a bunch of very cool boys.
the two you see on most covers are the black higano yoshiaki and the blond takase rin, while the other "official couples" are sakai fumitoshi and shiraishi junya, nogami daisuke and the sweet blackie hourenge ryo [the ones in volume 5], mikoshiba jun and the glasses-boy kazama shuichirou. there are also other cuties around them.
this is volume one.
below there are some scans, click to enlarge.
publishing date 1996.

:: naisho no natsu yasumi ::
the english translation is "summer vacation of good student council room", the cover features yoshiaki and rin and it's the second volume of the series.
usual scans below.
publishing date 1996-1997.

:: seito kaichou no amai wana ::
this is the four volume of the series and in the cover we can see the usual yoshiaki and rin.
enjoy the scans
publishing date 1997.

:: sexy voice de sasayaite ::
in this cover we see one of the other couples, daisuke and ryo and it's the fifth volume of the series.
enjoy the scans
publishing date 1997.

:: 30 senchi no jirunma ::
this is a novel written by mafune rinoa and obviously illustrated by haruka minami.
enjoy the scans
publishing date 2000.

:: yurusenai no ha ai no sei ::
this novel is written by takaoka mizumi.
enjoy the scans
publishing date 2002.

:: images © :: haruka minami ::