:: sweet embrace ::
[publisher :: outoushobou - gust comic]
[date :: 24 november 1997]
sweet embrace is made by 6 stories, most of all are shota PWP oriented; in this book our sensei uses the name kazuka minami
even if it's not shoujo but shounen-ai.
:: sweet embrace ::
published on gust in february 1997

:: stay with me... ::
this is the second part of the main story, and it's also the longest one of the book, there aren't any sex scenes only sweet kisses and tender hugs ^_^
really unusual for minami.
published on gust in may\june 1997.

:: oh my little angel ::
another tender and romantic story from minami sensei: a very shy little boy is preparing the diner for his room mate, he's firm to wait for him and see his reaction,
but unfortunately the older boy came home late at night 'cause he's been persuaded by his friends to go out drinking; when he gets home he finds out his little friend still waiting
for him after so many hours. the little boy cries hard and so his mate, who is really sorry for what happened, gives him a mobile phone to let him know where
he is at any time. no sex scenes here but only sweet hugs between the guys *^_^*
published on generous vol. 22.

:: nonstop train ::
this is a real funny and nice story, it's about two little boys falling for their beautiful "senpai", who gets really imbarassed for the "attention" of his younger
schoolmates. the two of them begin thinking about the way they can seduce him, and eventually get into his room and get naked in front of him forcing the boy to a
decision. poor shy senpai doesn't really know what to do to solve this imbarassing situation, and so the two smart boys decide to "attack" him,
and the three of them are supposed to spend the night all together *^___^* unfortunately minami sensei also here doesn't give us any sex scenes ç__ç
published on ... fudge vol. 8

:: holiday ::
a 5 sweetie pages of tenderness between a little boy and his older friend. no sex neither kisses, minami-sama hasn't been generous with this book!
but the sweet scenes are so damn *kawaii* that you can surely forgive her!

:: tachibana-kun to touno-kun ::
the last story of the volume is only 2 pages, also here sweeties everywhere, take a look! ^_^
:: images © :: haruka minami ::