:: strawberry children ::
[publisher :: kousai shobou - kousai comics] [years :: 1997 - 2000]
strawberry children is the only minami sensei manga which goes on for more than a book. the story is divided in 4 volumes,
and it seems to be not finished yet (i *do* hope she draws more of this lovely manga!!). from the first to the last one you can see how minami
sensei style has changed and got more and more stylish, delicate, in a word so damned cool!
:: volume 1 ::
the story is one of her typical shota, with the uke who seems nearly to be a girl, if it wasn't for that very little stuff he's got between his legs *^^*
the main charas are ayano orihara, the sweet and girlish uke, and naoto takase, the cool blue-eyed seme. they are friends and live together
like lovers since they were children, 'cause their parents left them alone a long time ago.
now, being in the same classroom at high school, they are supposed to be at the same age, even if ayano seems much younger than naoto^^
anyway, ayano depends almost on everything on naoto, who, from his part, loves taking care of his beloved; when they aren't at school (but often also at shcool^^)
the two of them spend their time doing sex (in fact there's a lot of hard and naughty sex there, quite every page *go minami sensei!*) an it seems naoto
loves very much seeing ayano dressed up as a girl! (i think minami sensei has got a weird obsession on crossdressing^^).
at the end of the volume there are 3 little side stories named strawberry children mini in which ayano and naoto looks younger^^
below there are some scans, click to enlarge.
published between august 1996 and june 1997 on shounen tenshi.

:: volume 2 ::
in the second volume we keep on seeing the two guys having great sex from the first page. a new chara is also introduced: it's one of their classmates who
falls for ayano-kun; one day he's firm to seduce him, and since he refuses to have sex with other boys than naoto, he forces the boy to have oral sex with him
and would like to going on, but when he sees ayano crying and calling for naoto help, feels guilty for what he did, so he lets him go away.
also in this volume there are 2 short strawberry children mini side stories and two pages of illustrations.
here there are some scans for you.
published between august 1997 and june 1998 on shounen tenshi.

:: volume 3 ::
the third volume introduces a new chara: fujiomi-san, a new teacher who everybody at school loves, because of his good looking. on the contrary naoto
doesn't like him very much, 'cause he's too effusive with all the students (in fact he always touches and hugs them^^), both him and ayano included, and he doesn't want anybody to interfere in
his love relationship with ayano-kun. at the end of the last episode we find out he has got a love story with his younger brother, a light-haired beauty named iori fujiomi.
in the end of the volume there are two short september 1997 strawberry children stories, and another short shota story named sweet cohabitation.
here are the usual scans ^_^
published between august 1998 and february 1999 on shounen tenshi.
sweet cohabition published on toy kids on november 1997.

:: volume 4 ::
in this volume ayano feels much stronger and isn't afraid anymore from fujiomi sensei, probably because he understands really well how much the two brothers
have suffered because of their incestuous and forbidden love, so he takes a liking to them.
both fujiomi sensei than his beautiful iori-kun tries to seduce ayano and naoto, but if naoto try to refuse his sensei's advances, ayano-kun seems to be willing to be loved
from the brothers, so things envolve in a funny and naughty way ^_~
the four lovers spend an holiday together at the thermal baths, in a traditional ryokan, and after that they get closer and closer, until the four of them spend
one night together, playing sex games and funny pairing exchanges (i mean fujiomi X naoto and iori X ayano *^^*).
at the end of the volume (which is NOT the end of strawberry children) there are some short stories with other charas, the first is named happy ever after,
a short and sweetie stories between two different aged boys; the second is twin doll, a shota pwp where two very little and cutie twins enjoy discovering
sex with their cool older brother.
after that there are 2 strawberry children funny side stories: in the first we see fujiomi sensei teasing at naoto-kun,
in the second is iori who seduces ayano-kun.
these are some scans, enjoy'em!
published on b-boy zips [february 1999]

:: images © :: haruka minami ::