:: originals ::
these doujinshi are made by minami-sensei on her original characters and manga.
:: happy toy ::
happy toy is a side story of kohitsuji hokaku keikaku! with yuki and his boyfriend kaede having sex^^;
this is listed as original book n°1
since i've bought this book directly from minami-sensei stand at 2000 winter tokyo comiket, i've got a signed one, see last pic for details ^_-
below there are some scans, click to enlarge.
publishing date 30 december 2000.

:: strip ::
this book is about another haruka minami manga, this time is kindan no amai kajitsu, i can't say anything else since i haven't got the book yet >_<
below there are front and back covers, click to enlarge.
publishing date 3 may 2002.

:: reversible - light, and distraction 1 ::
this doujinshi is sooo gorgeous! *O* it's about one of the lastes minami-sama manga haitoku no love sick, and it's the first one where the
name of her circle isn't mecca but panis angelics, unfortunately i don't know if it's the same circle changing the name
or if it's a brand new one, gomen.
below there are some scans, click to enlarge.
publishing date 29 december 2002.

:: sweet meats ::
this is one of the latest doujinshi made by minami-sensei, it's an original book and it seems made by panis angelics & mecca.
below there are front and back covers, click to enlarge.
publishing date 30 december 2003.

:: images © :: haruka minami ::