:: illustration ::


chara comics

gust comics

sanwa comics

kousai shobou


:: magazines ::

with this page i'm desperately trying to make a little order in minami-sensei's magazines production. it's pretty hard because she worked for a huge numbers of publishing houses, and surely this little list is not complete, so if any of you is aware of more magazines she's been published on, please drop me a line, i'd be eternally grateful ~*_*.

:: biblos ::
biblos publishing is editing a great number of magazines, and haruka minami started to work for them from a few time ago. she published for be-boy magazine, be-boy zips and be-boy puchi; actually she's having her stories out on both be-boy gold and junk! boy.
here below there are some covers i managed to scan, and, in the case i didn't have the cover image, i put some pages from the inside.
please, forgive me if some pics don't have a good quality at all because i've found'em on the internet japanese auctions, sorry about that.
click on every icon to open it in another page.




:: chara comics ::
minami-sensei started drawing manga for chara comics as well, so she obviously started publishing on their main magazine, chara selection. in this one she serialized both egoist na seisokusha and kohitsuji hokaku keikaku!. unfortunately i could manage to buy only a few of this mag, due to my poor wallet ~T_T~
click on every icon to open it in another page.

      chara novel magazine


:: gust comics ::
in the past years haruka minami worked for gust comics too, unfortunately i never had the chance to buy one of these magazines, anyway here it is a couple of images taken from internet japanese auctions, sorry for the very bad quality.
click on every icon to open it in another page.



:: sanwa comics ::
this is, along with biblos, the latest collaboration minami-sensei is having with a publishing house. i'm talking about the wonderful, new shota-devoted magazine d-pri, it's a really great mag, if you are into shota stuff i absolutely advise you to buy at least one issue [obviously you have to choose one where minami-sensei is^^].
click on every icon to open it in another page.



:: kousai shobou ::
shounen tenshi is the famous shota-oriented magazine where strawberry children has been published, so here you'll find only great art from our sensei ^_~
the last 3 images are color illustrations from the inside of shounen tenshi magazine.
click on every icon to open it in another page.






:: various ::
these are some various publishing houses' magazines in which we can find stories from minami-sensei, some of the images are taken from internet japanese auctions (as usual^^) and others are just the covers, because i've never seen most of them ç_ç~
click on every icon to open it in another page.

comic mate - shota magazine january 1999   

boy's anima - yaoi video game magazine vol 5  boy's anima - yaoi video game magazine vol 6 24 august 2001  game pierce - yaoi video game magazine vol 7

toy kids - missy shota magazine  june pierce - yaoi magazine 

laqia novels - novel magazine vol 4 april 2003  laqia novels - novel magazine vol 6 january 2003


:: images © :: haruka minami ::