:: merchandise ::
this page is a small collection of all the merchandise related to haruka minami's works i've managed to find (and buy V^_^) in my trips to japan and the ones i've found crazily surfing the japanese auctions, the ones banned to the poor gaijin like me. ç_ç
if you have more images or something you don't see here, please e-mail me to let me know it, i'd be eternally grateful!
:: telephone cards ::
unfortunately in japan telephone cards for collectors not only are rare to find but they also have got high prices, that's why i've managed to buy me only three (the first three) of the ones you see below. *ç_ç*
anyway, these cards went out from publishing houses whom haruka minami worked with, just as chara comics, leaf novels, biblos, cobalt, kousai and os on.
some images don't have a good quality at all because i've found'em on the internet japanese auctions, sorry about that.
click on every icon to open it in another page.

:: stationery ::
unfortunately i've managed to get me only the last image you can see below >__<*** the cutiest mini copybook i've ever seen!
click on every icon to open it in another page.

:: drama cd ::
as far as i know there are 4 haruka minami drama cds out until now: two for her chara manga kohitsuji hokaku keikaku! [the second and last one went out on 30 august 2003, images 1 and 2], one for her biblos manga kindan no amai kajitsu [image 3, but it's only an ijmage of the cover found on biblos' site] and the other for one of her novels, sexy voice de sasayaite - whispering with sexy voice [fourth image].
unfortunately i still didn't have any of these cd, they cost too much *ç_ç*, so all the images are taken from the net.
click on every icon to open it in another page.

:: various ::
here there are collected various gadgets, such as calenders, postcards, images and so on.
the only one i could manage to have is the calender you see in the first image.
last added is the page haruka minami made for biblos 2003 calender [ain't it great? ^__-], some images and some novels' postcards.
click on every icon to open it in another page.
various sheets and stuff



:: images © :: haruka minami ::