:: gundam wing 1999 ::
:: full moon night ::
full moon night is the title of minami-sama manga in this book, in this doujinshi we see quatre as a gorgeous angel
who happens to fall in trowa's room. a very sweet story, no sex scenes this time ^_-
obviously there's akizoh kondoh's novel as well but i couldn't get the title, sorry^^
below there are some scans, click to enlarge.
publishing date 2 may 1999.

:: aquarium ::
a nasty pwp manga named aquarium and the usual novel from akizoh kondoh.
the cover is soooooo gorgeous [i love so much how quatre looks here] and so the art inside, now you can see how much minami-sensei style has evolved.
some scans below.
publishing date 14 august 1999.

:: curious ::
wonderful art in this book as well, and this book has got only manga stories, no novels here.
it's a kind of collection because there are a lot of stories here, the only new one is named curious, the others are
older and are: swallowtail butterfly, in which we see a chibi trowa^^, boys, be ambitious! which features
another manga/anime i couldn't recognize, sorry^^, then we have affectionate with a very sweet and girlish quatre
who's taking care of an ill trowa and then getting ill himself, the last story is peaceful coexistence with no sex-scenes.
then there's a page dedicated to evangelion with misato and shinji.
enjoy the scans
publishing date 25 december 1999.

:: images © :: haruka minami ::