:: gundam wing 1996 ::
:: purple rain ::
this book has got 3 gorgeous color illustrations of trowa and quatre. the first story it's a novel named red. so bad written by akira kondoh
and illustrated by minami-sensei. at the end of the doujinshi there's a kazuka minami's story named ken kon: quatre is on the bed, stitching his trousers,
when trowa gets into the room, the blond boy hurts his finger with a needle, so his mate kisses his finger and finish to stitch the trousers.
after that the boys hug themselves and trowa falls asleep in quatre's arms^^ *so sweety*
in this book our sensei has improved her style, the drawings are more careful, and the outline is getting more and more elegant and full of sensuality.
below there are some scans, click to enlarge.
publishing date 31 march 1996.

:: baby pink 2 ::
in this book we find two comic-stories made by haruka minami, in the first there's an excited trowa^^ who's looking forward to stay alone with his beloved
quatre, and he's awaiting for the other 3 pilots to go to their room! when they're all alone trowa begins hugging, kissing and touching his blond boy, leaving him
speechless^^after that the two of them have great sex.
then there's an akira kondoh's novel named another story, and at the end of the book there's
the last minami sensei's story, a short but funny one where trowa and quatre, our fave pairing, are dressed up as a fox and a bunny *^^* really kawaii.
the back cover has been drawn by pokopen kondoh. some scans below.
publishing date 31 march 1996.

:: orange marmalade ::
orange marmalade begins with a gorgeous color illustrations of trowa and quatre dressed up in orange clothes, the second one you can see here below.
the book is made by a very long novel by akira kondoh, and at the end there's
marmalade kiss, a sweet story where quatre is bringing breakfast to trowa, who's still sleeping in his bed, but quatre is too weak and can't open the marmalade
jar, so trowa gives him his help and then the two boys kiss each other. *^^* enjoy the scans
publishing date 3 may 1996.

:: orange marmalade sex ::
haruka minami drawn a wonderful color illustration of a bunnish quatre ^_^ and also here there is the usual akira kondoh (sometimes called also
akizoh kondoh, maybe for a transliteration mistake) novel named orange marmalade sex
and after that there's a story named child abuse [sex education], things here getting harder than in orange marmalade, minami-sensei gives us one of her
gorgeous and sexy pwp, even if in the end we see a really tender hug between trowa and quatre. click the scans below.
publishing date 30 june 1996.

:: blue rose ::
the doujinshi contains 2 color illustrations, the first is a gorgeous one from our sensei and the other is a little angel-quatre by pokopen kondoh. the akira kondoh's novel,
named la vie en rose, has got a beautiful cover made by haruka minami, the story otherwise is named blue angel, and it's a wonderful pwp
with a lot of sex hard scenes.^^ below there are some scans, click to enlarge.
publishing date 3 august 1996.

:: peppermint green ::
besides the front and back covers, the first thing you see it's a wonderful color illustration made by our sensei^^; [the 3rd here below, gomen ç_ç the scan is so-so because the image size was really big]. inside there are two akira kondohnovels and two minami-sensei comics: the first one is really strange and funny, featuring a weird hyppo (which we find out being quatre-kun) and a cool horse (obviously our coolest seme, trowa-san) who are in the same horse-race^^; the second one is named apple green and we have an evil-trowa who puts some aphrodisiac medicine in quatre's glass, to spice him up, but unfortunately as quatre drinks it, he immediately feels sick, so they can't do any ecchi stuff ^_^.
as usual scans are below.
publishing date 3 august 1996.

:: black widow ::
gomen nasai minna-san! T__T i had a lot of trouble in trying to scan this djs'cover because it's too big, so it's not a really nice work.
anyway, this book features akira kondoh novel and minami-sama comic with a really-excited quatre (in feminime lingerie) who gives head to trowa-kun^^; and makes the first move to have sex with him. a really good doujinshi. enjoy the scans
publishing in 1996 but real date is 29 december 1995.

:: white snow ::
akira-san novel who gives title to the book and a comic from our sensei in which quatre and trowa are interrupted by the other 3 gundam boys, trowa-kun gets really angry this time [and he has to hide his *ahem-ahem* "reaction to quatre's sexy beauty" as well^^;].
as in many other minami-sama doujinshi in the last pages she puts on a lot of funny sketches, sometimes taken from fax.
click the scans below.
publishing in 1996 but real date is 29 december 1995.

:: images © :: haruka minami ::